SMIFC 2024 Conference 演讲者





Tyler is a familiar voice to many as the co-host of Fill the Gap: the official podcast of the CMT Association and a regular guest in University classrooms through the 学术 Partner Program. Tyler is also the co-founder of GoNoGo Charts, a data visualization tool that simplifies market analysis to remove emotional bias from investment decisions.

Prior to joining the CMT Association, Tyler worked in management consulting and publishing. As an executive manager over the past 20 years, he has managed product, 品牌沟通, and sales teams to drive top-line revenue growth for public, 私人, and non-profit entities.

When he is not immersed in markets, Tyler is hiking the Adirondacks with his family or playing percussion for various bands along the east coast. Tyler graduated from Macalester College and received his 工商管理硕士 from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.

浅黄色Dormeier, CMT

Partner and Chief Technical Analyst, Kingsview 合作伙伴


浅黄色Dormeier, CMT® provides four important roles to our clientele that of a financial advisor, 顾问, 分析师, and a portfolio manager. Armed with proprietary indicators and investment programs, Buff dynamically advises affluent and institutional clientele on strategies to help meet their specific investment objectives in what are often uncertain investment climates. As an advisor, Buff has been named a “Best in State Wealth Advisor” by Forbes*. As an 分析师 in 2007, Buff’s technical research was awarded the Charles H. Dow Award**, distinguishing him as the only financial advisor to thus far win the Award. 查尔斯H号. Dow Award is considered one of the most important recognitions in the field of technical analysis. As an accomplished portfolio manager applying advanced technical/quant analysis, some simply refer to Buff as “the geek”.

However, Buff considers himself to be an evangelist of sorts. He enjoys sharing his investment theories as a foremost expert on volume analysis presenting at international conferences such as TradeStation’s World Conference, Latin America’s Portfolio Manager’s Conference, and the World Money Show.

An award-winning author (2012’s Technical Analyst Book of the Year / Trader Planet’s Top Book Resource 2011), Buff literally wrote the book on “Investing with Volume Analysis” partnering with the Financial Times Press, Pearson Publishing and the Wharton School. Buff’s research has been further featured with press partners including Barron’s, Stock’s & 大宗商品, Futures and Active Trader magazines, 英国《澳门赌场玩法官网》, C-NBC, Market Watch as well as a variety of technical journals. Buff is featured in “Technical Analysis and Behavior 金融 in Fund 管理” – a European book comprised of interviews with 21 esteemed portfolio managers.

Buff is a former Fort Wayne / Indiana Marathon champion. Although his competitive distance training is on hold, Buff still enjoys a good long run on occasion. Buff is a member of the Chartered Market Technicians Association and Emmanuel Community Church. He is married to his beloved bride Kathy, father of two adored children Hadassah and Kaleo, and best friend to his Rhodesian Ridgeback Dutch.

Rob Langrick, CFA, CIPM

General Manager of the CFA Program

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Rob Langrick, CFA, CIPM, is General Manager of the CFA Program based out of the New York office. He was previously Head of Practice Analysis, overseeing annual curriculum updates to the CFA Program. Before joining CFA Institute, he lead Bloomberg’s finance education division where he built and launched Bloomberg’s certification product. He began his career as a sell-side equity research 分析师 in London and after earning his 工商管理硕士 from Dartmouth worked in the 私人 equity diligence unit of Bain & 纽约公司

Dr. 特里·多尔蒂

迪安, Scott College of Business, Indiana State University

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Daugherty earned his B.A. at Western Kentucky University, his M.A. at the University of Alabama, and his Ph.D. at Michigan State University.

He was a postdoctoral fellow at Vanderbilt University’s Owen 研究生 School of 管理. 在那之后, he went to the University of Texas at Austin as an assistant professor in the 部门 of Advertising. He started at the University of Akron in 2009 where he served on the faculty and in various administrative capacities, including department chair and assistant dean.

Daugherty’s scholarship is focused on examining consumer psychology and persuasion within digital marketing and advertising. He theorizes and empirically tests how individual characteristics and media properties influence cognitive processing and consumer behavior.

Dr. Tarek查希尔

金融学教授, Scott College of Business, Indiana State University

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Tarek查希尔 has held a number of professional positions with the industry and provided consulting services to a number of international institutions including the World Bank, the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan, and the Academy for Educational Development in the United States and the Ministry of Work in Dubai. He has also offered a number of seminars in investment and international financial management at a number of institutions around the world.

Dr. Zaher is SMIFC 董事总经理 and Co-founder and Co-Advisor of the 投资俱乐部 at Indiana State University. He also manages and supervises other international portfolios for individuals and institutions. Dr. Zaher’s research has been published in numerous prestigious professional and scholarly journals, including the Journal of Financial 研究 and Journal of Banking and 金融. Dr. Zaher received three research awards from professional conferences and one research certificate of excellence. He was also recognized by the Scott College of Business as the winner of the faculty research award in 2002 and the winner of the exemplary service award in 2004.

Student Managed Investment Fund Consortium (SMIFC)