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根据大学的使命和价值观, 澳门合法赌场官网 will offer employees a comprehensive program including direct compensation, 好处, 工作机会,积极的文化和工作环境. The University intends to maintain a program that is fair and competitive without regard to race, color, 宗教, 性别, 年龄, 国家的起源, 性取向, 残疾:残疾的存在, 或者政治派别.



The relationships among positions within the University as measured by market factors and internal equity considerations.
The competitive pay policy position for the University as compared against defined external markets.


Because of the importance of equitable and competitive compensation to the University and its employees, the 校董会 and President have established a compensation program that will attain the following:

  1. 外部竞争力为每个职位提供一个薪酬范围,使大学能够吸引和留住实现大学目标所需的人才水平,同时确保工作的价值反映大学所定义的适用市场.
  2. 内部公平,以确保每个工作都得到公平和客观的评估,并根据其与大学社区内其他工作的关系,将其置于薪酬等级中.
  3. 成长与发展:通过各种奖励来表彰员工的奉献精神和个人努力,同时提供培训和发展机会,以增加员工在大学的职业发展机会.
  4. 有效和及时的管理,确保薪酬决策和行动在适当的范围内以一致和公平的方式进行.
  5. Sustainable W年龄s to ensure that individuals are paid a living w年龄 that allows them to meet their basic needs in today's economy.
  6. Adaptability to Change to provide a plan that is capable of recognizing changes in job design and external market influences through:
    • revision of job descriptions and evaluations where job content has substantially changed;
    • periodic review of positions in relation to the market and internal equity factors;
    • 至少每五年就薪酬幅度与市场趋势的关系进行一次外部检讨,以配合不断变化的市场情况,目标是在大学所界定的市场中保持竞争力.


  1. 大学将维持一个与其他地区和国家雇主以及大学确定的招聘市场内的可比学院具有竞争力的薪酬计划. 澳门合法赌场官网的目标是在同等级别和规模的院校中占据市场中位数的90%,并与澳门合法赌场官网争夺人才的当地和区域一般工业市场相结合.
  2. 鉴于大学社区内工作的多样性, 人们认识到,不存在单一的招聘市场. Therefore, for purposes of defining the "market", the following guidelines will apply:
    • 管理/行政职位, peer institutions of comparable classification and size covering the nation and/or broad geographic region 将充当市场.
    • 供澳门合法赌场官网人员和行政人员使用, 地理区域内的同行机构和一般行业雇主, 在适用情况下, 将充当市场.
    • 非豁免员工, general industry employers within the local and regional areas 将充当市场.
  3. The pay grade for positions within the salary structure will be primarily determined as follows:
    • 作为原则, market compensation data for benchmark jobs will establish the framework for determining a particular job's grade assignment.
    • The market will drive how the pay ranges will be set with each position assigned to a grade in accordance with external market data, 如果有, 和/或类似工作的内部公平.
  4. Upper and lower salary limits will exist for each position through established pay ranges.
    • 大学员工的工资将至少是在工资结构中给定职位级别的公布最低工资范围. Starting salary placement within the range will be dictated by the individual's credentials in terms of education, 相关工作经验, 以及这份工作可能需要的特殊技能.
    • 工资不得超过该职位规定范围的最高限额. 然而, 薪酬范围将定期调整,以跟上市场的步伐,以便未来的薪酬增长机会可能会继续出现在范围变动的同时. Should the range maximum be reduced as a result of this process an employee's salary will not be lowered.
  5. 大学认识到员工在工作中发展的重要性,并通过晋升机会促进他们的职业发展. 因此,工资增长可能受到以下几个因素的影响:
    • Pay increase adjustments within the range based on service and performance with the University. 增加工资的资金将由市场因素和预算决定.
    • Pay increase adjustments associated with increased responsibilities that result in job movement to a different grade.
    • Recognition of professional development, and or increasing credentials relevant to their position.
    • Special recognition awards for individual or team contributions in the form of a cash bonus or non-monetary award. 这种奖励将与一个特别项目挂钩, 表彰杰出贡献的程序或功能, 哪些可以测量和记录.
  6. 大学将向所有员工传达薪酬政策和程序,使他们能够了解薪酬计划的运作方式, 在将来进行维护和更新的方法, 以及它对他们个人的影响.
  7. The University will openly communicate the following information about the compensation program to employees and supervisors:
    • 个人基本工资信息;
    • 该职位所分配的薪金范围的最低及最高限额;
    • 补偿 program policies (including job descriptions) for non-faculty personnel;
    • 大学定义的招聘市场.


确保全面奖励计划有效的主要因素之一是在薪酬计划的管理中保持一致的程序. Therefore, ISU will establish guidelines for the routine day to day compensation decisions.


  1. 市场的调整:
    • Market Adjustments are a mechanism through which starting salaries are adjusted for recruiting purposes.
    • 调整的金额将根据大学预算保持市场竞争力的能力而有所不同.
    • Adjustments in salary will at least reflect the movement of staff to the minimum of the new market range.
    • 在可能的情况下,将对中点以下的工作人员作出调整,以保持公平和尽量减少压缩的问题.
  2. 雇用薪酬比率:
    • 符合职位描述所要求的学历和经验的个人,通常会从指定薪金级别的最低起薪. 但是,如果这个范围没有改变以与市场竞争,那么在与人力资源部门协商后,起薪可能会设定在范围的前四分之一内.
    • An individual that has experience beyond that required for the position may receive credit for past experience. 与应聘职位直接相关的经验会比非直接相关的经验更重要. For nonexempt employees this will normally be no higher than 10% above the base of the range. If it is an exempt position the hiring rate will not be higher than the Midpoint of the assigned salary range.
    • 任何例外申请均应向薪酬福利总监提出,该总监将与人力资源执行总监协商,根据在分类和薪酬范围内的公平考虑进行审查.
  3. 促销活动:
    • 如果一个员工升职到一个更高的工资范围,他的工资将会增加到新工资范围中点的10%, or the amount necessary to bring his/her salary to the minimum rate of the new salary range.
    • 被调到一个以上薪金范围的雇员可获得最高为薪金范围中点15%的加薪或新薪金范围的最低加薪,以较高者为准.
    • 由于员工和从事相同或类似工作的人员之间的薪酬关系,晋升的幅度可能与上述不同, 以及他/她的直接主管.
    • 晋升至非豁免职位的员工将在晋升后90天内根据其表现进行评估.
    • An employee receiving a promotion to an exempt position will be evaluated on his/her performance six (6) months after the promotion.
  4. 降职:
    • 自愿降级:
      • If an employee voluntarily requests an assignment to a job in a lower salary range, 校方认为降职有明显的好处, 为了确保员工与较低范围中点的关系与当前与初始范围中点的关系相同,员工的工资将被减少必要的数额.
      • If the organization determines there is no clear organizational benefit to the employee's demotion, 他/她的工资将减少一定数额, 它位于新区间的最小值和中点之间的哪个位置.
    • 非自愿降级:
      • 当员工被非自愿地降职到一个较低工资范围的工作时 for performance-related reasons, 他/她的工资将减少一定数额, 它位于新区间的最小值和中点之间的哪个位置. The exact amount of the reduction will be determined by the appropriate man年龄ment person. 然而,如果员工的资格对大学有好处,如果有理由的话,他们可能会被安排在更高的范围内. 这是根据具体情况来做的.
      • 当员工被非自愿地降职到一个较低工资范围的工作时, 而且降职不涉及与绩效有关的问题, the employee's treatment will vary depending upon his/her qualifications for the new job. 如果完全有资格胜任这份工作,那么薪水就会低一些, he/she will continue to receive the same pay or pay equal to the maximum value of the lower range, 取较低者. 然而, if he/she is not fully qualified for the job in the lower salary 他/她的工资将减少一定数额, 哪个位置介于较低范围的最小和中点之间.
  5. 调动(横向调动):
    • When an employee moves from one job classification to another job classification that is compensated in the same salary range, 通常不会有薪酬调整. 除非能证明这对学校有明显的好处, 根据员工的澳门合法赌场官网知识进行调整. This would be determined on a case by case basis in discussion with 人力资源.


Terre Haute, IN 47809

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