
EES Student Organizations

Anthropology Club

The Anthropology Club at Indiana State University welcomes anyone interested in the field of anthropology, including cultural anthropology, 考古学, bio/physical anthropology, 取证, and linguistics. The club's function is to provide opportunities to explore the many aspects of Anthropology through experiential learning and activities. Planned events include visits to primate enclosures at regional zoos; excursions to archeological sites and museums; invited talks by anthropologists; camping trips; experimental flintknapping; and movie nights. 

Meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of the month at 6pm in Science 174. Check out the Anthro Club 脸谱网 page at http://www.Facebook.com/groups/isuanthroclub/

For more information email the anthro club faculty advisor Dr. Karla Hansen-Speer

​Environmental Science Club

For more information email the Environmental Science club faculty advisor Dr. 杰弗瑞石


For more information email the GTU faculty advisor Dr. 吉姆斯皮尔

Department of 地球 and Environmental Systems