
Dennis or Denny as he is known to most people has been in the customer service business for over 30 years. Customer satisfaction is his obsession. In 2000, 丹尼Sponsel purchased RJE Business Interiors.  RJE has been providing design services, 磋商, 销售澳门合法赌场官网知识, exemplary customer service and furniture for the business community located throughout central Indiana.  Not like a “constantly-wondering-if-he-turned-off-the-oven” obsession, but an “always-striving-to-do-the-best-possible-job” type of obsession.  It’s a healthy obsession that 9 out of 10 psychologists would see no problem with. And although Denny is extremely busy making sure customers are completely satisfied, he always makes time for community involvement. 

Though not an Indiana State alumnus, Smith said Sponsel is passionate about what the college does for students. One of the most innovative ideas Denny developed for the College is the Executive Dining Experience. 每年秋天和春天, 斯科特商学院 and the Meis Student Development center host the Executive Dining Experience which brings top-level executives from a variety of industries together with our students.  It’s an opportunity for our students to network, polish their communication skills and discuss trending business topics with those on the cutting edge.  Thanks to the generous support from Denny, these events have been a huge success for our students’ professional development. For this he received the Award for Innovation during our 50th anniversary celebration in 2015.


丹尼Sponsel talking to students in 2010

Denny is very active in the community and serves on the United Way of Central Indiana Board and was the 2007 Campaign Co-Chair and Chair of Resource and Development Committee. He is on the Community Board for the IUPUI 图书馆, IU School of Informatics Advisory Board, the Indianapolis-Marion County Public 图书馆 基金会 Board of Directors, the Mother Theodore Catholic Academies 校董会 (Chair), 印第安纳波利斯市中心, 公司. Board of Directors (Chair), and the Rotary Club of Indianapolis (2008-09 President), Board and Program and Membership Committees, 校董会 for Harrison College (Chair), Methodist Health 基金会 Board, Indiana Historical Society Board, Chair of Division 8 2012 Super Bowl Committee, Big Ten 足球 Championship Committee, and 澳门合法赌场官网 School of Business Dean’s Advisory Board. Sponsel has received the IUPUI Spirit of Philanthropy Award, 扶轮保罗·哈理斯奖助金, Indiana University 合作伙伴 in Philanthropy Keystone Award, Indiana University 基金会 President’s Award, 入围恩斯特奖 & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, and American Business Ethics Award.


Scott College honors past, celebrates future during 50th anniversary event (2015年4月14日)