Dr. 乍得Witkemper

Dr. 乍得Witkemper
Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport, 部门 of
卫生与公共服务部, College of
401 N. 4日圣


  • Ph.D. - Sport Management, Indiana University - 2012


  • Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness
    Student Learning and Student Success

查德·维肯珀博士.D. is currently an Assistant 教授 of Sport Management and the Sport Management 本科 Coordinator. 在此之前. Witkemper worked in business management in the private sector for 10 years which is reflected in his teaching. His teaching philosophy involves a marriage between experiential learning and dynamic classroom participation. He believes that experiential learning can support curricular activity and the learning process should involve an active and productive exchange between teachers and students. Starting from the idea that the educational process is an exchange, Dr. Witkemper works towards establishing a culture of learning made up of collaborative partnerships with his students. 换句话说, He brings knowledge and expertise based on his scholarship and experience, and expects his students to bring their questions, 的想法, 意见, and understandings based on their past experiences and coursework. On a more personal level, he is married and has four children. Some fun facts about him include; enjoys playing soccer and deep sea fishing, has climbed Mt. St. Helens, and traveled through time.

RCSM 100 - Introduction to Sport Management
RCSM 210 - Management Principles in Sport
RCSM 355 - Public Relations in Sport
RCSM 391 - Fieldwork Experience
RCSM 415 - Event Management
SPM 621 - Adminstrative Theory
SPM 637 - Sport Media Relations

PhD – Human Performance, concentration Sport Management, Indiana University, 2012

MS – Athletic 政府, Indiana University, 2009

BA – Public affairs – concentration public management, Indiana University, 2002

Witkemper C.布拉斯卡,M., & 钟,J. (2016). Establishing a typology of social media uses in the sport industry: A multi-dimensional scaling. Communication and Sport, 4, 166-186.

Yoon J.史密斯,C.Kim, A. C. H.克拉维奥,G.维特肯珀,C. R.彼得森,P. (2015). Gender Effects on Sport 推特 Consumption: Differences in Motivations and Constraints. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 6(3), 25-38.


Blaszka, M. & Witkemper C. (2016年11月). Sport media and sport marketing co-curricular fantasy football simulation (free communication) for the Sport Marketing Association Conference. 印第安纳波利斯,.

Witkemper C. (2016) Experiential Learning in PR: Classroom to field experience (free communication) for the North American Society of Sport Management. 奥兰多,佛罗里达.

Witkemper C. R.布拉斯卡,M. #Hashtag Marketing: Examining consumer engagement through sport mega-events, European Association of Sport Management, 都柏林, 爱尔兰. (2015年9月12日)

Jeremy Witkemper Memorial 基金会 - The foundation aims at raising awareness about addiction and to assist those looking for help but do not have the necessary resources to acquire help. Recently the foundation has extended our efforts to help fight addiction through education. Jeremy Witkemper was a devoted fan of all things Indiana University and the 基金会 has been able to develop a scholarship there within the School of Public Health to assist individuals looking to make a difference in the fight against addiction.

Dr. Witkemper's expertise is primarily in organizational and consumer behavior. This comes from his many years working in leadership positions as well as his educational background. He additionally has extensive knowledge related to social media users in sport.

Organizational behavior and leadership research with a focus on leadership characterizations and generational behaviors. Other areas of interest include social media consumer behaviors and emerging technology in sport.