‘1984’ In 2019: Did George Orwell’s Classic Get It Right?

周一,2019年6月10日- 13:11

与 Meghna Chakrabarti

大哥哥. 2+2=5. 记忆洞. “真相不是真相.”

听起来很熟悉? They’re from George Orwell’s dark masterpiece, “1984.”

好吧,不是所有的短语. That last one, “真相不是真相,” that’s from the President’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani. 所以这是真的,而且是最近的. That shows you the timelessness and predictive power of Orwell’s “1984.”

Published 70 years ago this Saturday, the novel serves as a warning against absolute power of all kinds, against the manipulation of language, against the loss of independent thought. In 1949, critics thought the book might lose its relevance after the fall of communism. 我们到了, 70年后, with global authoritarianism on the rise, and fake news — and the manipulation of that very term itself — tearing at the fabric of democracy.

We look at Orwell’s message for this generation.



英国广播公司: “Why Orwell’s 1984 could be about now” — “Reading ‘1984,’ George Orwell’s claustrophobic fable of totalitarianism, is still a shock. First comes the start of recognition: we recognise what he describes. Doublethink (holding two contradictory thoughts at the same time), 官腔, 思想警察, the Ministry of Love that deals in pain, despair and annihilates any dissident, the Ministry of Peace that wages war, the novel-writing machines that pump out pornography to buy off the masses: Orwell opened our eyes to how regimes worked.

“But now we can read ‘1984’ differently: with anxious apprehension, 用它来衡量我们, our nations and the world have got to on the road map to a hell Orwell described. 先知? 可能. But stirring, moving, creative, undeniable and helpful? 是的. 1949年6月8日出版的一本书, written out of the battered landscape of total war, 在一个饥饿的国家, 疲惫和白发, feels more relevant than ever before, because Orwell’s 1984 also arms us.”

《澳门合法赌场官网》: “Nothing but the truth: the legacy of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four——1948年12月. 一个男人坐在打字机前, 在床上, 在一个偏僻的小岛上, fighting to complete the book that means more to him than any other. 他病得很重。. The book will be finished and, a year or so later, so will the man.

”2017年1月. 另一个人站在人群前, which is not as large as he would like, 在华盛顿特区, taking the oath of office as the 45th president of the United States of America. His press secretary says that it was the ‘largest audience to ever witness an inauguration – period – both in person and around the globe’. Asked to justify such a preposterous lie, the president’s adviser describes the statement as ‘alternative facts’. 在接下来的四天里, US sales of the dead man’s book will rocket by almost 10,000%, 使它成为了最畅销的书.

“When George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in the United Kingdom on 8 June 1949, 在20世纪的中心, one critic wondered how such a timely book could possibly exert the same power over generations to come. 35年后, when the present caught up with Orwell’s future and the world was not the nightmare he had described, commentators again predicted that its popularity would wane. Another 35 years have elapsed since then, and Nineteen Eighty-Four remains the book we turn to when truth is mutilated, 当语言被扭曲, 当权力被滥用, when we want to know how bad things can get. 它仍然是, 用安东尼·伯吉斯的话来说, 《澳门赌场玩法官网》的作者, ‘an apocalyptical codex of our worst fears’.”

《澳门赌场玩法官网》: “As Orwell’s 1984 Turns 70 It Predicted Much Of Today’s Surveillance Society” — “George Orwell’s famous novel Nineteen Eighty-Four turns 70 years old next month. Looking back on its predictions and the state of the world today, how much did it get right in its predictions of a dystopian surveillance state where every word is monitored, 不可接受的言论被删除, history is rewritten or deleted altogether and individuals can become ‘unpersons’ for holding views disliked by those in power? It turns out Orwell’s predictions were frighteningly accurate.

“In 1984, it was the state that determined what constituted acceptable speech in keeping society orderly.

“In 2019, it is a small cadre of private companies in Silicon Valley and their executives that wield absolute power over what we are permitted to see and say online.

“In 1984, there were just a few countries to which most of the world’s citizens belonged.

“In 2019, there are just a few social media empires to which most of the world’s netizens belong.

“In 1984, it was the state that conducted surveillance and censored speech.

“In 2019, social media companies deploy vast armies of human and algorithmic moderators that surveil their users 24/7, flagging those that commit thoughtcrimes and deleting their violations from existence. Those that commit too many thoughtcrimes are banished to ‘unperson’ status by these same private companies, without any intervention or even in contradiction with the will of the state and without any right to appeal.”

安娜•鲍曼 这个小时为广播制作.
