
2018年4月23日星期一- 08:45

上周, 人文学科的书呆子们聚集在奥逊州立大学, Osogbo, Osun澳门赌场玩法官网, 尼日利亚文学院(NAL)举行了一年一度的讲座. It was titled ‘Cultural Industry and the Contributions of Humanities to National Development: A Case Study of the Durbar.’

The lecture drew scholars from different institutions as well as traditional rulers to the venue, Olagunsoye Oyinlola礼堂.

讲座开始前, NAL的成员会见了该州的官员, 那里的NAL总裁, 奥卢·奥巴费米教授, 呼吁联邦和州政府使经济多样化, 利用文化部门和应用人文学科.


唐指出,欧洲各国, America and Asia were leveraging on 他们的文化 to boost tourism and earn huge foreign exchange, adding that Nigeria should learn from these countries and harness the abundant resources in the sector.

奥巴费米还赞扬了该州州长, Ogbeni raauf Adesoji Aregbesola, for the introduction of Opon Imo (a portable e-learning device) to aid teaching and learning in the state, aside giving a lift to cultural activities that have put the state on the world map.

He noted that the impact of the state’s educational policy and cultural activities would not be immediate, 但肯定会对未来的人们产生积极的影响.

在代表州长发言时, 参谋长, Alhaji Adegboyega Oyetola, 说州长对教育和学习充满热情, 他补充说,这就是为什么他成立了一个委员会, 由教授领导. Wole Soyinka, to draw a blueprint for the state’s primary school, middle and high colleges.

他说州长, 尽管资金匮乏, had equipped these schools with adequate teaching and learning materials and that the students could compete favourably with their peers from within and outside the country.

他列举了阿雷贝索拉的其他成就,并说超过3项,000 students are currently on the school-feeding programme and that the governor would increase the number.

他补充说,卫生和其他部门正在进行大规模改革. Oyetola also stated that the governor had acquired about 25 amour vehicles and helicopters for security purposes, 除了追踪绑匪. 他说,这个国家对游客和投资者做生意是安全的.

他说:“只要我们追求以石油和天然气为基础的单一文化经济, 谁的特征会受到变幻莫测的国际趋势的影响, 我们不能梦想一个可持续的经济. This may have informed government’s increasing awareness of the need for economic diversification, 这需要具体的政策和战略, 包括对文化领域的探索.”

在演讲时, 嘉宾, Mohammed Inuwa Umar-Buratai, 阿赫迈杜贝洛大学戏剧与表演艺术教授, Zaria, 卡杜纳州加, 呼吁政府和精英们回归国家的多元文化, as a departure from them has resulted in the various maladies Nigeria is currently experiencing, 无论是在政治舞台上还是在其他地方.


He noted that no nation could properly develop its economy if it jettisoned its culture, 其中包括约束人们的核心价值观和规范. Umar-Buratai noted that the Nigerian society would do better if developmental programmes and project were targeted towards the revamp of culture and festivals.

据他说, 这样的方案和项目不仅容易为人民所理解, but would be easy for them to relate with and carry out because they were planned to reflect who the people are or how they live and think.

Umar-Buratai lamented the general attitude of looking down on local cultures among the elite, 说传统的信仰体系, 价值观和规范对人们如何做生意有明显的影响, 自我管理, 遏制犯罪,维护社会秩序. 他强调了为什么这个国家的文化不应该被忽视, 他补充说,没有哪个国家, 不管它有多复杂, 能帮助尼日利亚和尼日利亚人发展他们的文化吗, 因为这样做的权力完全掌握在尼日利亚人手中.

He urged governments at all levels to set up machinery that could help promote the various cultures, adding that the best way to do so is by providing the right facilities and resources with which traditional festivals and ceremonies could strive. Umar-Buratai urged the elite to also encourage their children by getting them involved in traditional festivals, 除了说当地的语言.

据他说, “Many people see our culture as something that is outdated and never to be dealt with. They do not realise that it is yesterday that made today, and that today will make tomorrow. So, 除非你知道你从哪里来, 你今天在哪里?, 你不可能知道明天你会在哪里. 这就是为什么我们不能抛弃我们的文化. 正是我们的这一方面决定了我们是谁.”

THE don urged government to tap into the rich resources in the creative and culture sector to create employment for the teeming youths, 让人民发挥自己的才能, 发展小规模和家庭手工业,向基层传播信息.

He added that Nigeria’s various folklores contain didactic messages that could help reorder society for peace and tranquility and, 因此, 带来良好的治理.

Umar-Buratai说Durbar, 在这个国家的北部,哪个名字已经家喻户晓了, 团结家庭和部落,同时也吸引游客, 而是由带有政治目的的殖民统治者引入尼日利亚的.

据他说, Durbar was first linked to the coronation of the Queen of England in the late1800s and later served as the ceremonial assembly to mark the proclamation of Queen Victoria, 1877年成为殖民地印度的皇后.

He noted the ceremony was first held in Nigeria in 1911 and later took the form of linking together pre-colonial aspects of martial display, 庆祝重要事件和娱乐.

根据Umar-Buratai的说法, 杜巴节已经成为这个国家一年一度的节日, 尽管它已经偏离了最初的目标.

He noted that the festival is now used as a religious event to mark the end of Ramadan and entertain people during other Muslim holidays, 以及在一些北方州欢迎重要的客人.

他指出,它的观察始于祈祷, 随后是埃米尔和他的随从骑马游行, 由音乐家伴奏, 最后到达埃米尔的宫殿.

唐指出,这个节日已经成为北部各州的一个旅游景点, 把人群, encouraging small and household productions and providing platforms for the locals to showcase their talents and make some money.

He then urged governments to key into these festivals to promote local traditions and cultures, 并补充说,长期以来,政府对当地文化的忽视, 尤其是精英阶层, 对当地的各种传统造成了很大的破坏, 民间传说和价值观.

他指出,这种忽视淹没了创意和文化部门, 让人们, including government not to pay attention to the huge potential and economy surrounding these festivals, 如果利用得当的话, 可以增加大多数州的内部产生收入(IGR).

Umar-Buratai called on members of NAL and the academy to begin a campaign that would rejig the creative and culture sector, expunge the negative aspects associated with local cultures and standardize them to the level of national acceptance for development.

奥善大学副校长李兆基教授在致辞中说. Labode Popoola, called on the academy to be in the forefront of proffering solutions to the various challenges confronting the academia and the country. He blamed government and the private sector for placing great attention on science and technology as well as ICT at the expense of the creative sector and 人文学科.

他指出,没有社会, 无论是发展中国家还是发达国家, 没有人文学科能行吗, adding that both 人文学科 and the sciences should work in synergy to bring about a better society and promote creativity, 无论是文学作品, 剧院, 音乐, 电影和其他.

Popoola说, 人文学科, 这是历史, 文学, 剧院, 音乐, and languages are as important as any other field in the sciences because the sciences cannot dwell in isolation but feed on the aesthetics of 人文学科.

他肯定人文学科有助于创造理性, 让人们提出有价值的问题, 记录和召回事件, 同时也让社会保持警觉.

Popoola added that 人文学科 would continue to sharpen the world and human reasoning, 因为它使人们能够了解他人, 他们的文化, 历史与思想. 他说,一个没有人文学科的世界将是不平衡和无望的.
